Sunday, May 3, 2009

spending some green on green!

Our lack of posting doesn't mean that we have been lacking in the green efforts department. Just too busy to jot down anything lately.

So to get everyone up to speed, here are some green shopping/product favorites!

The canteen comeback! Thanks to my pal Karen, I no longer have to buy water when we go out. I have been trying to make it a habit to bring my Klean Kanteen that Karen got me for my birthday. So wherever I am at, I always have my handy dandy cool looking water source. Christine favors the SIGG bottles. Regardless of the brand, these handy bottles keep the water fresh and BPA free. Hubby is thinking about getting one too! So much better than plastic water bottles!

Toms Shoes
I am infactuated with Toms Shoes, but haven't gotten myself to buy a pair yet. Still weighing out if the cuteness of the company's eco story and charitable givings will outweigh the lack of heals on the shoes! And for every pair purchased, the company donates a pair to a child in need. WOW!

Organic lip balm by Juice Beauty! That's right, you can get these cute little lip balms at Sephora. Great for personal use or as gifts. They smell good and aren't too gooey. Very nice!

As long as there is shopping to do, our eco mission will continue!