Sunday, November 16, 2008

Challenge #1: Eco-Chic Bags

Obsession of the week, Eco Bags!

Not the sterile looking ones that you buy at the grocery store, but a new breed of bags that are hip, functional and hold a boat load of stuff. Christine and I both came home in the same week with similar sets of bags. This just proves that the power of sisterhood stretches even to the eco shopping rhelms. No, it wasn't planned, just great shopping minds think alike...

::Older Sister::
Bags purchased at the Women's Conference sponsored by Maria Shriver. At SHOP WITH A PURPOSE (SWAP), your purchases help change lives. The proceeds from SWAP are donated to the WE initiatives: WE Invest, WE Care, WE Honor, WE Lead, WE Support and WE Educate, lead by the First Lady of California, Maria Shriver. Check out the bags on the site if you want to make a purchase and also support a great cause. Two birds with one stone, help the environment and help a great cause!

:: Younger Sister::
Great set of bags from Urban Outfitters. Say no to plastic bags with this set of 5 super lightweight and portable reusable bags. Seriously sturdy and roomy, they can carry the equivalent of 2 grocery bags! And bonus- they fold down to nearly nothing so you can toss one in your bag to always have on hand for whenever you are tempted to use a plastic bag. Tres chic!

Our challenge this week is to use the eco-bags and only the eco-bags for all our shopping excursions. The shopping part came quite easy, we've had lots of practice! It will be quite a feat to get through the week remember to bring the bags with us and to ask the stores to use them.


Anonymous said...

I'm on it! Thanks girls!

Leikela said...

I love these bags!! I have tons of the sterile looking ones. I should pick up these sassy ones too. Yes, my biggest thing is leaving them at home and remembering when Im at the checkout stand. BTW, at Safeway, you get 3 cents off for every bag you use